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Sewage Backup Clean Up in San Gabriel Valley

Sewage Backup CleanupSewage water is one of the most unpleasant and dangerous things property owners might have to deal with. Commonly known as back water or category three water damage, sewage backup is highly contaminated and must not be cleaned or handled by property owners, especially if they are not trained or equipped right. As it poses health and safety risks, hiring trained experts for the sewage backup clean up job is advisable. At 911 Restoration of Gabriel Valley, we specialize in a sewage backup in San Gabriel Valley

Our IICRC- certified and trained team comes equipped wearing PPE gear to ensure sewage water is removed from your property safely and with complete responsibility. We use the best tactics and practices to deep clean your property and quickly restore a healthy and safe indoor environment. Contact our team for expert assistance today. We are available at your disposal 24x7x365. Also, we treat sewage backup in San Gabriel Valley as a serious emergency; hence when you call us for help, our team will come to your rescue in less than 45 minutes. However, we advise you and everyone inside your property to evacuate the place and avoid touching anything or cleaning the area. So, if you are looking for sewer backup in my area, contact us. Leave the clean up task to our professionals

How Harmful is Sewage Backup?

Sewage water is contaminated with pathogens, viruses, and bacteria. It releases physical and air-borne contaminants, which, if inhaled, can lead to serious health conditions like vomiting, nausea, fever, cramping, and even hepatitis. Also, inhaling sewage backup for an extended period may even become life-threatening. As it is wastewater and raw sewage, you definitely want to be exposed to it. Therefore, you must act fast and ask for expert assistance. Getting rid of the wastewater and contaminated items around your home are the best ways to protect yourself and your family from health risks. Contact us for sewage cleanup in San Gabriel Valley.

Common Causes of Sewage Backup in San Gabriel Valley

Before we discuss the tips for managing a sewage overflow in a commercial building, let’s look at some of the most common reasons for it in San Gabriel Valley.

Flushing Objects that Cause Clogs

While commercial buildings have stronger sewage systems than residential property, they also have to deal with sewage waste from hundreds of people. Many of these people often flush objects down the toilet that they aren’t supposed to. These solids or otherwise large objects can lead to clogs, which can lead to sewage backups. 

It is important that people don’t use commercial toilets like trash cans or sinks like a food bins. Common things people often throw into their sewage lines include cigarette butts, cotton, napkins, leftover rice, meat, bones, and more. This often leads to clogs and sewage backup in San Gabriel Valley.

Cracked Pipes

Cracked pipes in commercial and residential plumbing are also another very common reason for backups. These can be because of careless or lack of maintenance, which often leads to bigger problems. Ideally, you should have your pipes inspected at least once every year. 911 Restoration offers free visual inspection for property owners and will be glad to help you out. Give us a call, and let’s get started!

Overgrown Tree Roots

Sewage lines run underground and are often close to trees, plants, etc. Their roots extend may several meters below the surface and often need to be cut. The problem with having sewage lines close to trees is that the roots often grow into the pipes. They are always looking for the nearest water source – and what better source than your sewage line.

Plant roots also extend outwards naturally. If the sewage line is in the way, roots from strong trees (such as Oak and Cherry) can break the pipes. As they grow into the pipe, the roots will expand. Over time, it will stop the water flow in the sewage and lead to a sewage backup. 

Grease Build-Up

Grease is sticky and attaches itself to sewage pipes, building up more and more as time goes by. If you do not conduct regular maintenance for their sewage systems, this buildup will start getting harder. Over time, this grease will build up and stop the water flow, causing the system to start overflowing.

Common Sewage Backup Clean Up Mistakes People Make

Now that we know some of the most common reasons why sewage backup clean up becomes necessary in San Gabriel Valley, here is a look at what you should NOT do. 

  • Delay Sewage Clean Up

You should never delay calling 911 Restoration experts to clean up and unclog your sewage lines. If there is an overflow, call them immediately to clean out the area – before the damage spreads. Remember, the longer you take to handle it, the more dangerous the damage will become to you and those around you.

  • Try Handling the Sewage Yourself

You should NEVER try sewage backup clean up yourself. Sewage backup is a hazard and needs licenses to handle. 911 Restoration experts have these licenses and the knowledge necessary. Furthermore, we also have protective gear and strong chemicals to properly handle the overflow. Therefore, you should leave the sewage backup clean up to the professionals.

  • Do Not Use HVAC Systems

You may be tempted to turn on your HVAC system to air your property out. This is a bad idea. Your HVAC system will start transferring air and germs from one room to another. As a result, dangerous germs and gasses may spread throughout your property. Turn your HVAC system off and open a window while you wait for 911 Restoration experts to clean everything up.

How We Help Restore Your Property?

There are many causes of sewer backup in San Gabriel Valley, such as:

  • Tree roots in the sewer line
  • Old sewer system
  • Blockage in the sanitary main
  • Clogged toilets

No matter the cause of sewage backup, our techs at 911 Restoration of San Gabriel Valley can help restore your property to its pre-damaged state. From addressing the underlying problem to deep cleaning, complete wastewater removal, sanitization, disinfection, and repairs, we go above and beyond to ensure your property looks as good as before. We utilize advanced and state-of-the-art equipment technology to quickly and effectively clean up all sewage from your property. 

Our team works with you cohesively. We ensure that the clean up process is stress-free, and you can resume living on your property quickly with minimal disturbance. If you need any information, have queries, or want expert assistance, call us right now. We also specialize in biohazard clean up services.

At 911 Restoration of San Gabriel Valley, we are available 24×7 for emergencies. So, you can count on us when things get out of control and you need professional help. Call us for sewage backup near me.

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